Thanksgiving Morning Run to Parade Setup

On Thanksgiving morning, Thursday, November 28,  the SPS scheduled run will take place at the usual time, leaving Front/South at 6:15 am.  There will be a change in the route and add some traditional Thanksgiving fun.  We will leave Front/South at 6:15 am running to 2nd/Market by 6:20 am. From there, we will run as close as we can get by the Thanksgiving day parade setup.  Bring a few dollars/credit card for a coffee stop after.  Happy Thanksgiving!

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Best Wishes to Loren Thomas

He’s 61 years old, but Loren Thomas is anything but a senior citizen.  For starters, how many people of similar age continue to run, climb, hike, bike or ride motorcycles on a regular basis?  And who else has recently completed a 70th marathon or ultramarathon distance race?

For years, Loren has been a fixture on SPS morning runs and breakfasts.  He is a friend to all and bad influence to many, with the Svengali-like ability to convince them to run crazy trail races or dive from a pier into the Delaware River.  Loren has just about done it all, from teaching in Costa Rica, to heading the Salem County School District, to becoming the Executive Director of the Appel Farm Arts and Music Center and to being a father and grandfather.

Now, Loren is leaving us (for now) and moving on to his next adventure in Prescott, Arizona for a position at Prescott College.  We all wish Loren the best, and he will soon be convincing us to book a trip to visit him and take part in the Whiskey Row Marathon next May.

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