5th Annual Shamrock Shuffle – Sunday, March 17, 2013


Group in front of the Irish Memorial

On Sunday, March 17, 2013, Len DeProspo will lead the group run for the fifth edition of the Shamrock Shuffle!  Join us on a 6.5 mile running tour that will include the Irish Memorial, a statute of Commodore John Barry (Father of the American Navy and Philadelphia resident, born in Wexford), and a nod to Edmund Bacon (also Irish).  We’ll swing by McDonald’s during the run for a refreshing pot of gold known as the Shamrock Shake, which supports a great cause ($0.25 of every Shamrock Shake goes to the Ronald McDonald House, which was founded in Philadelphia in 1974 to support families of patients at C.H.O.P.). 

We leave at Front and South at 9 a.m. sharp.  Feel free to dress in your St. Patrick’s Day best.

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Annual New Year’s Day 2013 Mummers Parade Run

Tuesday, January 1, 2013, SPS will have its annual Mummers Day Parade run.  The meet-up will be at 8:15 a.m. in front of the Mummers Museum at 2nd and Washington Street.  The run will then go along Washington before heading down Broad Street to see the Mummers Parade setup and route.  There may be some breakfast/brunch afterwards as well.  It’s a fun run with many great sights and people watching.

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